Transition Tips: Moving Through Change (with your kids or crew)

Transitions are hard! Regardless of age, regardless of intensity. At work, at home, when your favorite coffee shop discontinues your favorite drink, when your iPhone updates and you can’t find anything, when you send your kids off to college… anyone? Out with the safe and comfortable and in with the new… all over again. Transitions. Are. Hard. 

And that’s exactly what we talk about in my latest interview with Jennifer Johnson on her podcast, The Fashionista Life.

Although change is the only true constant in life, we’re wired to resist it, to think of change as a threat. Your primal brain would choose comfort & safety over transition and variation any day of the week. And so would your child’s! But change is inevitable for all of us and there are ways to bring ease to times of transition. 

During our second chat on The Fashionista Life, Jennifer and I chat about:

  • Tips for sending kids off to college for the 1st time (and when to start thinking about this)
  • The developmental stages your child goes through
    • Deciding when it’s time to be a friend vs a parent to your child
    • Staying connected when they push you away
  • Tips to start transitioning your younger kids back to the school year 
    • Helping them frame expectations
    • Giving them choices about the new processes
    • Embracing the messiness 
    • Remembering your conscious parenting training!
  • Tips for moms and dads sending kids to school for the 1st time (and getting your anxiety under control first)

Head over to Spotify or (episode 15) to listen to this episode. We hope you enjoy and are able to bring some ease to these times of transition. 

You are NOT alone in this! 

Lots of love,
💜 Your coach,

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