Welcome To Joy Discovered – Inspiring Women To Own Their Strength And Live Full Lives Of Joy

Hi my name is Sara. Welcome to Joy Discovered!

Joy Discovered is a blog and community to inspire women to own their strength and live full lives of joy.

I created Joy Discovered because I am a strong woman. And strong women are all around me. They’re my friends and family, my colleagues and Facebook friends. I wanted a place for us to come together and be real – because life is too short not to be. A place for us to be inspired and to inspire each other.

Because the truth is that ALL of us women are inspiring. We have all, every single one of us, been through experiences in our lives that have brought us to our knees — like cancer, addiction, caring for a newborn, or being told we can’t have what we want and deserve. But we’ve all gotten back up on our feet again, dusted off, and shown how strong we are. We’ve become senior executives at global companies, started businesses and nonprofit organizations to make the world a better place. We are even raising our children with patience and presence, which is no easy feat.

I believe that when we tap into our strength, we live a fulfilling life and create more joy.

I also believe the more we tap into that strength, the stronger our families and businesses and communities become, and from there, the stronger and better our world becomes. And I am committed to playing my little part to make this world a much better place.

Now, let me tell you about this site!

On Joy Discovered you’ll find two main parts. The first is my regular blog posts, the second is my Real Women Real Strength profiles.

My weekly blog posts will share the insights I learn about living in joy in the normal craziness – and beauty – of our day-to-day lives.

The Real Women Real Strength profiles will highlight REAL women – like you and me – who are amazing and inspiring. We’ll get into their minds and hearts to understand how they’ve owned their strength and are creating joy. And how you can too!

I’d love for you to join our Joy Discovered community, to add your wisdom to the conversations. The best thing you can do now is sign up for our weekly newsletter so you are notified when new posts and profiles are published. And then share your voice. Be heard. Inspire, and support all of us women! We need each other.

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S. Click here to read about what inspired my creation of Joy Discovered! Spoiler alert: An aha! moment while nursing my newborn, a heart-breaking trip to India, and choosing to no longer silence my voice to keep the peace are all contributors.

Or click here to learn more about me!

And click here to learn about my Balance And Joy 16-Week VIP Coaching Program that helps busy working moms achieve sustained balance and joy.

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  1. Kristy | 29th Jul 17

    You are AMAZING Sara!!! I LOVE THIS!! 😆💗😘😘💗😘💗😘

    • Sara | 30th Jul 17

      Thank you! It’s the amazing people in my life who make me who I am. Love you! xx

  2. Beth | 29th Jul 17

    Proud to know you!

    • Sara | 30th Jul 17

      Aw thank you Beth! Miss you!

  3. Becki M. | 29th Jul 17


  4. Stephanie Staples | 29th Jul 17

    What this world needs right now……..a space where women of all backgrounds can share their unique selves and inspire not only each other but also future generations. Thanks for your purpose and perseverance in pulling this together…….I’m already inspired:)

    • Sara | 30th Jul 17

      Thank you, love you! You inspire me!

  5. Kitsi | 30th Jul 17

    Sara, this is an amazing undertaking, we are here to support and love you all the way!

    • Sara | 30th Jul 17

      Thank you Kitsi! Means a lot! xoxo

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