When It’s Time To Rest, Rest

Looking back on 2017, it’s been a full, wonderful year for me.

Professionally, I’ve worked harder than I ever have, which resulted in the most successful year of my career. I became a published writer and subject matter expert in my field and strengthened my industry contacts from South America to Europe. All three of my events had their best year ever (financially and by customer experience), and I’ve created a foundation for the same result to be achieved in 2018.

Personally, I visited two new countries (India and Costa Rica), and took several amazing trips with both family and friends. I launched my blog in July and have a clear vision on where I want to take it and how I can inspire others. I got back in shape since the birth of my boys, figuring out the best way to incorporate fitness into my busy life. And I’ve been raising my sweet, rambunctious one and three-year olds, the part of the year that I’ve given my most important energy to.

But some of my goals for 2017 haven’t yet been achieved. And as I look to this last week leading into the New Year, part of me wants to keep pushing forward, to accomplish as much as I can. This is my nature: work hard, play hard. But I am also a yoga teacher and practitioner that has learned how to listen to my body (and the importance of doing so). Right now, my body is telling me I need to rest.

There are times to work hard. There are times to play. There are times to rest.

Yesterday, I could have crossed a few more things off my to-do list while the boys napped, but instead, I napped too… for two and a half hours! My family is coming to stay with me after Christmas, but instead of tirelessly prepping and cleaning, I’ve accepted that my house will be as clean as it is, and we will work out our time together day by day. If I need to order grocery delivery, or pizza, at the last minute, it’s ok! Right now I need to rest.

I’ve learned through the years that the more I take care of myself, the more energy I have to give to all the things that make my life full. Sometimes taking care of myself looks like taking a yoga class or a trip with my husband or girlfriends. Sometimes it’s getting a massage or enjoying a nice glass of wine on a quiet evening. Other times, its spending time on things I am passionate about or learning something new. Today, taking care of myself looks like rest.

Your turn. Journal or contemplate on the following:

  • Do you give yourself permission to rest? If you don’t, what gets in your way?
  • What thoughts or actions can you give up in order to take the rest or the care you need?
  • How do you want to feel in 2018? What kind of self-care will make you feel this way? Keep coming back to these feelings throughout your days and weeks.

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