Who Is Filling Your Cup?

You’re constantly pouring into others – your team, your family, your members, clients, customers, your friends, our community.

You’re always filling someone else’s cup.

But who is pouring into you?

Your ability to perform and please others has gotten you here. But what is this “here” place you’ve arrived at?

Is it joy?

Is it meaning?

Is it peace and freedom?

If you’re like me and a lot of the clients I work with, your resume and LinkedIn profile are marked with accomplishments. Your Instagram feed is filled with your vacation pics, nice clothes and the new remodel of your house.

But there’s a sense of emptiness – even heaviness – within. Some days, it seems like there is no reason to get out of bed beyond fulfilling all the responsibilities you have towards others.

When did you lose the responsibility to yourself?

For most of us, this happened in childhood, when we chose attachment and survival over authenticity. We shape-shifted into who our caregivers wanted us to be for THEM and their insecurities and unrealized potential vs. what was in line with our soul’s desire.

It then compounded in our teens as we sought to fit in and be accepted by others.

And early adulthood as we lost ourselves in the building of our career and family.

In midlife, as our mortgage got larger, our work goals became more demanding, and our children’s needs became more dynamic, we got busy (read: distracted) in the day-to-day and further disconnected from our true self.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I’ve been lost on the distracted, conventional path many times. In fact, I have to intentionally continue coming back to center – my heart center and inner knowing – over and over again. It’s a constant rebalancing and realignment.

If you can relate and are reading this newsletter, you’re in the right place. Us Joy Seekers can stick together and begin moving from ambition into alignment, from burnout to balance, from doing to being, from inauthenticity to joy.

Welcome to the ride. I’m so glad you’re here.

With love, your coach,

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