Why I Have Hope For 2021 & Honor 2020

No doubt, 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. Beyond the pandemic, the vitriolic presidential campaign on both sides, and the social unrest, my family and I went through a private matter that just may have been one of the hardest months of my life. The key word here, though, is through. My family went THROUGH a challenge and came out on the other side a stronger, more aligned, more in love family than we ever have been.

This is why I have hope for our world, for each and every one of us in the New Year. In 2020, we were all given a huge life challenge with the pandemic, and we moved through it (even though we are still very much in the moving through phase). When we choose to move forward, through the pain and the uncertainty, there’s no choice but for us to grow. Sometimes we grow physically, sometimes we grow emotionally or mentally. No matter what, we grow.

Growth, of course, is good. We are either growing or we are dying, and I know which one I’d rather be doing! As I mentioned during SHINE! Virtual and the live Naples Retreat, life often brings us to our knees in order for us to find our inner strength where we most radiate our SHINE! That inner strength is within us all along, but we often don’t access it because we’ve grown accustomed to the way we live our life, to the conditioned beliefs about our self and the world, and to the relationship patterns that we play out over and over again.

But that inner strength is there… just waiting for you to tap into it. You’ve had to connect to your inner strength just to get through this year, I assume. Imagine what your life would look like if you tapped into that well of wisdom, love, and purpose on a regular basis.

This is why I’m so very excited for 2021. Because we have felt our greatness through our growth. It may have been messy, scary, painful, and uncomfortable, but at the same time it was beautiful, expansive, liberating, and joyful. Once you tap into that freeing power within you, there’s no going back – even if you try!

You may be called to go through even harder experiences than the pandemic this year, as my family was in 2020. But if you stay the course, you will get through it. And in doing so, you will taste your greatness, your TRUE greatness. Not the “I’ve got this all taken care of” persona we falsely put forward because of our ego. But the raw, real, messy, bright truth of who you are.

It has been my hardest, most painful life experiences that brought me to where I am today. They have all led me to my purpose in life: to help women live in their full radiance. While at times I cursed those experiences, now I hold them in love. They are my battle wounds, my personal trophies, the contributors to my wisdom. Let’s not cast stones at 2020, but embrace it.

What have you learned about your inner strength this year?

My final thoughts for now: Don’t wait for life to bring you to your knees again to expand upon your next level of personal growth. Because that’s what life will do. If we don’t get the message, if we don’t learn from our experiences, life gets in the way to wake us up!

But you can choose to wake up right now. You can choose to apply what you learned about yourself this past year to aligning with joy and making our world a better place.

I believe our true purpose in life comes from being of service to others, by providing value, and in doing so, we experience great joy. Maybe you do this by leading a multinational business or a nonprofit organization. Maybe you do it as an artist, salesperson, or restaurant server. Maybe you do it as a smiling, kind, generous human no matter whose path you cross. However it is you add value to our world, BRING IT this New Year… BIG time.

2021 is going to be incredible but it’s up to YOU to make it so! (It’s always up to you, by the way. The only person or thing you can point a finger at to blame for the way your life is today, whether you love it or not, is YOU.) So take control of your life and bring the joy this 2021. Bring the fun. Bring the ease. Bring the dream. Bring the play. Bring the bold consistency. Bring the co-creation. Bring the courage. Bring the growth. Bring the love.

What do you commit to bringing forward this New Year?


With love, your coach,



  1. Sean McBride | 28th Dec 20

    Hi Sara, inspirational as ever. Thanks for this. Without going into the details, 2020 was the toughest year I’ve faced for a very long time. Yet, as I reviewed the year, one of my first memories was one of joy and dreams. One of my daughters stayed with me during the first lockdown and, for the month of March, we wrote and sung songs. Me the writer and her the vocalist, we each lived our dreams. For me, life is about moments rather than seconds. Experience rather than time. I know there will be joy in 2021. I’m going to find it and go from there.

    • Sara Mueller | 28th Jun 21

      Focusing on experience vs. time – I love that!

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