You Do Not Need To Be Fixed

You are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. You are whole and complete just as you are, right here right now.

This is how I approach all of my clients. It’s the foundational belief for all of my coaching… because it’s the truth.

We were born into this world whole, perfect, divine. As children, we expressed our uniqueness, we owned our beauty, we played with all kids, and we danced like no one was watching. We were an expression of love.

Then the world happened to us. Culture, institutions, and our caregivers influenced us. Our childhood experiences formed belief systems that subconsciously rule our life. Conditioned thoughts reside in our brain that create negative patterns that we carry out at work, with our children, and in our most intimate relationships.

But even with these limiting belief systems and conditioned thought patterns, the true pure essence of who we are in our inner being, our heart, our soul, is still within every single one of us.

So, when I work with my clients, I don’t “fix” them, as there’s nothing that’s broken. Instead, what we do together is strip away the layers of our false self – the self that was created as children in order to protect ourselves from the experiences of our world. The same false self that doesn’t serve us now as adults who want to be powerful leaders, conscious parents, and people that experience deep connection in relationships.

It’s like peeling away the layers of an onion. As we notice these aspects of our false self or the parts of ourselves that we have shame about or want to keep hidden from the world, we start to pull back the layers to see what’s underneath and where they came from.

In doing so, we toss aside those layers, those belief systems that no longer serve us. We peel away and toss aside those negative patterns that have been passed down generation by generation by generation through our lineage. And we learn to see what is underneath those shadow parts of ourselves that we try to keep hidden.

In doing so, we can hold our shadow parts in true love and compassion. By truly loving all parts of ourselves (and I mean all 100% of who we are — not 99.9%), we then have the capacity to truly love our partner, our children, and our passion work that contributes to the betterment of this world.

When we deconstruct and pull apart these layers, the beauty, the wholeness, the amazing-ness that is within each of us gets to shine forth. The reason you were put on this planet becomes ever so clear, and you will experience regular joy, even in the presence of pain.

Sometimes we have work to do to deconstruct and pull away the layers, but understand the beauty of who you are is right there within you – always has been and always will be, should you choose to tap into it.

Tap into it by being fully present in your life vs. living in the past or in the future. Tap into it by loving all of yourself unconditionally. Tap into it by having the willingness to shine a light on the places where you’ve been hiding, because by doing so, they lose their power over you.

But please don’t ever let anyone tell you that you are broken. Most importantly, don’t ever believe the thoughts in your head that say something is wrong with you that needs to be fixed. You are enough. You are whole – right here, right now.

Our world needs you to wake up and show up – ALL parts of you.

Be beautiful. Be bold. Shine on!

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