Your “Superpower”​ That’s Lowering Your IQ 10 Points – Stop This!

You know that fried feeling in your brain at the end of a busy day?  That mentally exhausted, hard-to-focus, hard-to-transition-out-of-work-into-your-evening-roles feeling? That feeling like you’ve been smoking weed all day or just woke up from a first-night-of-vacation hangover?

That feeling is from multitasking.

Multitasking, or the constant switching from one task to the other, lowers your IQ by 10 points! (Comparatively, actually toking ganja lowers your IQ by only 5 points!) So, as the University of London shared in a CNN World Report, multitasking “makes you dumber than being stoned.”

Multitasking is not something to be proud of.

Multitasking is not helping you get more done.

Multitasking is stealing your productivity, your effectiveness, and adding stress to your life.

Your brain can only do one cognitive function at a time. Different studies cite that it takes an average of 23 minutes for your brain to get back into focus when you allow yourself to be interrupted, or jump back and forth between projects.

Think of how much quicker and better your work would be if you focused on one single task at a time. Think of the fresh ideas and creative insight you’d have if your brain weren’t exhausted. Think of how much more playful, patient, and kind you’d be to your family if your brain weren’t fried.

JUST SAY NO to multitasking.

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